Travel to Mee Chaung Kaung Swea 3

Who We Are

About Us

Center for Social Integrity is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering pluralism, diversity and inclusion through two program pillars: Humanitarian and Development, and Peace and Conflict. CSI was founded in 2016 with a focus on long-term peace building, as well as immediate protection and aid for communities affected by conflict.

CSI partners with NGOs, donors, researchers and other civil society organizations to work towards achieving our vision.

Who We Are

Building a better society valuing pluralism, diversity and inclusion



A peaceful, cohesive and pluralistic society, where human dignity is protected and diversity is recognized as a source of strength.



To foster a society in which diverse peoples work collectively towards peaceful coexistence and resilience.



  • Neutrality: Commitment to addressing human need without prejudice.
  • Accountability: Responsibility towards people and partners, and ethical stewardship of entrusted resources.
  • Impartiality: Equal and just treatment of peoples without bias or discrimination.
  • Excellence: Highest quality and standards of professionalism.
  • Humanity: Compassion and respect for human dignity.
  • Integrity: Honest and transparent conduct.
  • Creativity: Forward-thinking and embracing of new ideas.


CSI has a defined structure that includes an advisory team, a Board of Directors and a senior management team. The structure determines direction and hierarchy of responsibility within the organization. The advisory team is comprised of international supporters, technical experts and other stakeholders. The Board of Directors is comprised of key local leaders, advisors and financial supports and is the highest decision-making organ for approving strategies, policies and reviewing achievements and plans. The senior management team is the planning and policy making body of the organization which controls and approves all activities in line with the organizational strategy as validated by the Board of Directors. The National Director is responsible for overall management of programs and operations.